Heroines! Movement organised a conversation with poet and human rights activist Somaia Ramish about the situation of women in Afghanistan. Topics included the role of poetry in Afghan society, the power of taking symbolic actions. We also addressed the question of what we can do today to support women in Afghanistan as they are banned from education, speaking in public, making art, going outside without male company. Heroines! Movement will continue to explore this topic with Somaia, to find ways to support women in Afghanistan.
Maria Liberia-Peters, former prime-minister of the former Dutch Antilles, first woman prime-minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands reacts to her story in the Heroines! book 'Het Begint Met Een Droom' (It Starts With A Dream):
‘I am speechless. (..) for a healthy development of society we need to contribute to building self-esteem and self-worth in the young generation. Only then we can conquer the many challenges on our life’s path. (..)
Hopi danki.’
We thank Maria Liberia-Peters for being an inspiration and for generously helping us with the school project! Read responses from readers and reviewers to Het Begint Met Een Droom by clicking on the button below.
Heroines! has partnered with Herstory, a cultural movement that tells the stories of mythic, modern and historic women.
Together we’re creating a series of books for young girls in every country that will share the untold stories of local women and their extraordinary accomplishments. All the books will launch with supporting lesson plans for schools. Stay tuned for more exciting news from the Heroines! + Herstory collaboration.
With your generous support the GoFundMe campaign for Heroines! Nepal has raised over three thousand dollar for the development of a children's book. The Heroines! Nepal team has used these funds to research, collect and record many stories of courageous Nepalese heroines. They are preparing for the next steps - stay tuned!
Professor of Molecular Astrophysics Ewine van Dishoeck is portrayed as a heroine in a pictorial children's book. ‘It starts with a dream' tells the stories of twenty exceptional Dutch women who have had a positive impact on society. The book aims to give young girls role models and encourage them to follow their dreams.